Police on Wednesday raided the private home of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, local media reported, in search of his corruption-accused sister-in-law, whose lawyer said she later turned herself in to authorities. Castillo himself is the subject of five criminal investigations, including for graft, and has survived two impeachment attempts since taking office in July last…
The Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo, Will not be able to Attend the Inauguration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro after Congress Denied his Departure From the Country
Lima, Aug 4 (EFE).- Peru’s president Pedro Castillo reiterated his innocence on Thursday before Attorney General Patricia Benavides, who summoned him to testify about his alleged interference in military and police promotions as part of one of the five preliminary investigations against him. Castillo went to the headquarters of the Public Ministry in downtown Lima …
The Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo, Will not be able to Attend the Inauguration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro after Congress Denied his Departure From the Country