This week, a contemporary spin on ancient myth with "Lyra," Steve Budd s solo show "What They Say About Love," two sets of top musician brothers in Palo Alto, new local music series, Gallery House reception and author Brian Simpson.
This week, a contemporary spin on ancient myth with "Lyra," new local music series, two sets of top musician brothers in Palo Alto, author Brian Simpson, Gallery House reception and Steve Budd s solo show "What They Say About Love."
This week, a contemporary spin on ancient myth with "Lyra," two sets of top musician brothers in Palo Alto, Gallery House reception, a new local music series, author Brian Simpson, and Steve Budd s solo show "What They Say About Love."
This week, a contemporary spin on ancient myth with "Lyra," two sets of top musician brothers in Palo Alto, Gallery House reception, a new local music series, author Brian Simpson, and Steve Budd s solo show "What They Say About Love."