Australia keeps calm while China carries on
Cairns Aquarium, Queensland, Australia (Xinhua/Bai Xuefei via Getty Images) Published 4 May 2021 06:00 5 Comments
Now that the Morrison government has cancelled Victoria’s Belt and Road agreement with China, Australia is bracing for retaliation from Beijing, probably by way of further trade sanctions. When that retaliation arrives, what should Australia do about it?
There’s an old saying that “living well is the best revenge”. If someone has wronged you, don’t retaliate and don’t be consumed with anger or thoughts of vengeance. Just focus on living your best life. There’s a hint of stoicism about this advice – it calls for endurance and calm indifference to wrongs, rather than retribution. It is not always emotionally satisfying. When we have been injured or embarrassed by someone, it often feels like the best revenge is, well, re