BENGALURU: Scientists and doctors from several cities in India and the US say they have provided the first evidence for a shared genetic link between cardiomyopathy (condition of heart muscle leading to failure) and metabolic syndrome (high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels) among South Asians.
This information, the team says, can aid early identification and development of preventive strategies. While recent epidemiological and clinical studies suggest that around 10% of cardiomyopathy patients coexist with diabetes, the genetic link underlying it is less understood.
Findings published in “Science Advances”, an international peer-reviewed journal, by the team led by Dhandapany Perundurai, investigator at the Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Disease (CCBD) at Bengaluru’s Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine (DBT-inStem), provide evidence for this.