When even the slightest amount of mercury enters a fish’s body, it can begin a long cycle that ends in disaster for aquatic wildlife and health concerns for humans, experts say.
That’s because mercury, an element often produced as a byproduct of mining and fossil fuel production, never breaks down or leaves an organism’s body.
MARQUETTE When even the slightest amount of mercury enters a fish’s body, it can begin a long cycle that ends in disaster for aquatic wildlife and health
From Staff Reports
LANSING The Michigan House on Thursday approved legislation that aims to protect family farmers from fines that result from Michigan s workplace safety law.
State Rep. Bronna Kahle, R- Adrian, introduced the bill following the death of Blissfield Township farmer Keith Eisenmann in November 2019. House Bill 4031 passed on an 83-25 vote. It will go to the Senate for consideration.
Under current law, if a fatality happens on a family farm and the family does not report it to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) within eight hours, the family faces thousands of dollars in fines, a news release from Kahle s office said.