D. W. Ah. The sunday bondsman gray forest in the far south of bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate change. Many residents live literally at the waters edge. When sea levels rise in a tropical storm, the dikes are breached and waves rush inland. Locals do their best to reinforce the defenses, but its a thankless never ending task. Mm hm. Every year in bangladesh, an average of 700000 people are displaced by natural disasters. Due to Global Warming, bangladesh is at risk of losing more than 10 percent of its territory to rising sea levels by 2153. 00 of asias largest rivers drain into the sunday bands delta. This entire region in the south of the country is so low lying that it could become completely submerged. Its projected to that by 2015, 26000000 bangladesh in his will be displaced by title surges and rising sea levels. But the interior of the country is also at risk. Increasingly frequent storms, compounded by violent monsoons, caused gigantic fl
Me. Journey this week on d. W, i the thunder benz mangrove forest in the far south of bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate change. Many residents live literally at the waters edge. When sea levels rise in a tropical storm, the dikes are breached and waves rush inland. Locals do their best to reinforce the defends this, but its a thankless never ending task. Mm hm. Every year in bangladesh, an average of 700000 people are displaced by natural disasters. Due to Global Warming, bangladesh is at risk of losing more than 10 percent of its territory to rising sea levels. By 2015, 3 of asians largest rivers drain into the thunder bands delta. This entire region in the south of the country is so low lying that it could become completely submerged. Its projected that by 2015, 26000000 bangladesh is will be displaced by tidal surges and rising sea levels. But the interior of the country is also at risk. Increasingly frequent storms, compounded by violent monso