who owns marco rubio? nobody. he does have a wealthy ben gnaw factor in miami. speaking of the clintons, should we spend more time looking at how much rubio spends on haircuts? i believe that was one of the things we were looking at. or the money in the clinton foundation where those finances are going. what will matter more in the white house? whose spending habits? the clintons are something you need to be more concerned about. rubio is the average american. we all go threw s things like this. i m sure he wasn t thrilled to dip into his retirement save savings but sometimes you do what you have to do. it makes him relatable. contactually. i live beyond my means all the time jie. if you have a candidate without a college degree like scott walker and their finances are a mess is that the perfect candidate? it might be. i agree with everything. hillary clinton s big thing is she is looking out for everyday americans. everyday americans are not worth tens of millions of
who owns marco rubio? nobody. he does have a wealthy ben gnaw factor in miami. speaking of the clintons, should we spend more time looking at how much rubio spends on haircuts? i believe that was one of the things we were looking at. or the money in the clinton foundation where those finances are going. what will matter more in the white house? whose spending habits? the clintons are something you need to be more concerned about. rubio is the average american. we all go threw s things like this. i m sure he wasn t thrilled to dip into his retirement save savings but sometimes you do what you have to do. it makes him relatable. contactually. i live beyond my means all the time jie. if you have a candidate without a college degree like scott walker and their finances are a mess is that the perfect candidate? it might be. i agree with everything. hillary clinton s big thing is she is looking out for everyday americans. everyday americans are not worth tens of millions of
coulter called it racy. on to boobs. that s a transition. buy the book by the way. it takes a crowd to be well endowed. 5 lady went from a 34a to 34 double d. this is her now. here is how she looked before. as you can see we decided not to pay for the before picture because we have a tight budget. the 23-year-old couldn t afford the expensive procedure so she created a profile on my free i m plants.com and it keekedded her to ben gnaw ben gnaw factors who paid to talk to her about her goals and politics. three months later she raised enough funds to go under the knife. look how happy she is. crowd funding that is for the crowd. we all get to enjoy them. why shouldn t we all chip in a little bit? why should we foot the bill when we are the ones applauding when she walks by.
you probably support this idiot. i am a cultural marxist. i wouldn t care what this pompous twit did if he didn t defraud people out of their money because he was too lazy to deliver what he promised. he wants people to pay him for living? good luck. the bright side is he is not asking the government to do it which is odd. he is looking for ben gnaw factors. i hope he gets sued and i don t care if he is broke. i hope he gets sued and goes to jail. he committed fraud. that many people wanted his comic? i was more surprised. his kick-starter goal was 8 grand. what is he upset about? you hire an assistant to help with the work. the government took like 3,000 of that. believe it or not the government was the kick-starter. all right, i hear music. i can talk about this guy forever. maybe we will just do a special on him.