bonaparte vs. napoleon dynamite. so which is more apropos for the g.o.p., or maybe kid dinomite. if you go go back to the original napoleon quote that was working for the run reside. but now obama he views up ben georgia si, gives a partisan speech during the navy yard shooting. can t get democrats to vote for larry summers. he is in trowel. he is a weakened president and once again, we republicans are going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like we did a year ago. kid dynamite or john boehner. i ll take kid dynamite. all three go with kid dynamite over john boehner.
data. we had the communique between dr. al zawahiri to the leader in the arabian peninsula. we have the end of ramadan, the anniversary of ben georgia si again georgia of benghazi and 9/11, and drone strikes raise the level of concern month policymakers and i think we took the appropriate steps, got people out of there and reduced the opportunity for destructive action taking place. shepard: you mentioned a couple of drone strikes. would you expand on that? the drone strikes today. in the past week or so we had a couple of drone strikes into yemen and we took out a couple of leaders of fairly-high ranking, not significantly high but high enough to cause concern. and specifically look the communique to the leader in araban peninsula saying, quote-unquote, let s do something, and that raised the concern, and when you look at these where people think about concerns of the past or alerts
for the men and women out there on freedom s ramparts. that credo has changed for the obama administration. and look, i was a commander of a battalion in iraq, and anytime one of our patrols came up under fire we made sure that every single resource we could get to them can. the quick reaction force, it was dispatched to them and i don t care if happened at 2:00, 3:00, i would be up and make sure that patrol was taken care of. something very bad happened in ben georgia si benghazi and ask we need to have them people, susan rice, secretary of state hillary clinton and their action or lack of action. you have a special coming up, gettysburg special. tell us about it. on next generation tv we went up to gettysburg. this is an incredible event. if it weren t for those three days of gettysburg would the
on this topic, and there s more to be seen, to be heard to be talked about and congress is still investigating. it s called behind the smoke screen tonight at 10:00 p.m. our investigative team poured over and analysted hundreds of declassified documents, interviewed people in the know. viewers will hear from whistle-blowers, and when you put that together in a timeline, you get a perfect of what happened and didn t happen september 11, 2012, in ben georgia si and in washington, dc. we know that the ever-changing stories on what the president knew and when they knew it. we also know for a fact that regardless of what the president knew, the next day he was off to las vegas for a fundraiser. that was then, where do we stand on this now? how much more have you uncovered that makes this an issue that
the irs, this one seems like it will go on and on, besides ben georgia si. benghazi. how does this play out? this is the most troubling because you have evidence thatve inappropriately targeting conservative groups for tax exempt status and democrats and republicans all agree that is inappropriate. the firewall for the administration, at lease politically, is everybody is say from the inspector general to the bush appointed former head of the irs is saying there was no involvement by the white house, the president s political team or the senior department of treasurery officials so seemed to be limited to mid and low, level civil servants. monica, take this over. i m sure it started out the way julian portrays it and then we find out the white house counsel was involved and the white house chief of staff was actually knew about it. had knowledge. far beyond what we thought.