He really knows biography. So when i heard that shelby was establishing a biography center in leons honor i thought perfect. So its a great thought pleasure to be here giving a lecture on him this evening. I have to share this pleasure with a team of researchers who have helpedme on all my books. Thereare rather small team actually. In fact, it consists of only one person. She writes her own books of course but she always finds time to help me with mine. Id like to say thank you to the only person ive everbeen able to trust with my research , the whole team, my wife. [applause] the aspect of biography i want to talk about this evening is something that in my opinion is seldom talked about when we talk about biography. Giving the reader a sense of place. By a sense of place i mean letting the reader see in his minds eye the physical setting in which a books action is occurring. Letting the reader see clearly enough so he feels as if he was there in that place while the action is occurri
For the second year, Mississippi State is offering a highly interactive summer experience for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, possibly the only camp of its kind in the U.S.
Contact: Aspen Harris
STARKVILLE, Miss. Mississippi State’s Department of Physics and Astronomy again is hosting its annual Physics Summer Camp for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, for those age 14 and older.