Savills, the leading global real estate advisors, today announced the results of their Office Fit Survey 2021, a study carried out to understand how perceptions around workplaces have changed since the pandemic. The survey revealed a strong preference among respondents for returning to a predominantly office-based work environment but with a fair degree of flexibility.
he will throw your client under the bus in a nanosecond. - one way or the other, your client will be tried for these murders. whether he faces the death penalty s up to him. if you wanna live. time to step up. we want corrigan. we re ready to deal for him. - he pleads guilty to two murders 15 years each, concurrent. then you get corrigan. - he actually said that with a straight face. - the terms are we drop the death penalty, he takes 30 to life. - that s the only deal you ll get, mr. davison. - i didn t know anything about any phony signatures until corrigan called me. he said joyner had found some irregularities and he threatened to report them. corrigan said that my father would be ruined. - your father knew about the fraud? - no. my father. staked his whole reputation on prop 128. any scandal would sink him, the church, all he worked for. and corrigan said that. it was left up to me to stop joyner. i went to his house. and everything went sideways. - you killed him? - [s