Michael Chiklis stars in a CBS All Access thriller about a retired Border Patrol agent forced to work for a Mexican cartel.
“There’s two kinds of people in the world,” proclaims grizzled Border Patrol agent Ben Clemens (Michael Chiklis) to his rookie partner (George Pullar) in the new CBS All Access thriller
Coyote. “Those who choose to break the law, and those that don’t.” Too much of a stickler even for his fellow officers, Ben is practically ushered out of the office at his own retirement party, even though he’s just discovered an underground tunnel and single-handedly rescued a woman from probable sex trafficking. Divorced from his wife (Kelli Williams) and distant from his adult daughter (Amy Forsyth), Ben isn’t particularly looking forward to his golden years and he certainly isn’t prepared to confront the moral nuances he’d spent his three decades in law enforcement choosing to ignore.