my campaign is about the future of america. it s not about attacking anyone else on this stage. this is not a cage match. and you look at the questions, donald trump, are you a comic book villain? ben carson k you do matt? will you insult people over here? marco rubio, why don t you resi resign? how about talking about the substantiative issues that people care about. it s like a 400-pound man saying i m going to go on a diet but i m going to eat a sack of donuts before i do. do you believe the people responsible for the switch or cover up belong behind bars? you e bet they doo. if i were the prosecutor, that s where they d be. i didn t inherit any money. my dad was a bartender, my mother was a maid and worked hard. you find a democrat that s for cutting spending $10 i ll give them a warm kiss. does that speak to your vetting process or judgment in any way? it speaks to the fact that i