The series, which launched Friday on Netflix, follows the work and lives of agents at The Agency, along with the most lavish properties in Beverly Hills, California.
The series, which launched Friday on Netflix, follows the work and lives of agents at The Agency, along with the most lavish properties in Beverly Hills, California.
Learn more about the cast of "Buying Beverly Hills" on Netflix, which includes Mauricio Umansky, Alexia Umansky, Farrah Brittany, Joey Ben-Zvi, Ben Belack, Jon Grauman, Allie Lutz, Melissa Platt, Brandon Graves, Santiago Arana, and Sonika Vaid.
Netflix's newest real estate reality show is 'Buying Beverly Hills,' dropping Nov. 4. It covers The Agency in LA, a brokerage helping people buy and sell homes.
The series, which launched Friday on Netflix, follows the work and lives of agents at The Agency, along with the most lavish properties in Beverly Hills, California.