Following the retirement of long-time Beltrami County Fair rodeo promoters Joe Waslaski and Kris Klasen earlier this year, the fair board recently made the decision to continue putting on the event itself.
The Cook Family Farm has the slogan of “AHH Little Slice of Heaven,” and the AHH stands for Alpacas, Horses and Hens. Kenna, Chloe, and Rocky along with their parents, Christy and Jeremy believe they have a little slice of heaven on earth.
Vernon Frederick Parker was born November 9, 1932 to Frederick William Parker, Jr. and Helga Marianne (Andersen) Parker at the Parker farm in Sundown Township, MN on the day that FDR’s presidential win was announced. Vernon always liked to say he and FDR came into power together.
After 22 years as promoters of the rodeo held each year during the Beltrami County Fair, the owners of Gold Mine Ranch recently announced via letter to their sponsors that they will no longer be the promoters of the event.