Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the. | June 5, 2023
Planning Applications
Here are the latest planning applications submitted to local councils.
South Holland District Council
Mr D Elsey, 16 Northons Lane, Holbeach, two storey extension to rear and alterations.
Mr and Mrs Yule, The Cottage, West Gate, Moulton Chapel, demolish existing attached outhouse & erection of single storey side extension.
Mr J Taylor, Riversend, The Reservoir, Surfleet, extension and alterations.
Ashley King (Developments) Ltd, land off Damgate, Holbeach, the implementation of planning permission H09-0332-16 for residential development on land adjacent to Dam Gate, Holbeach, by works to lay out an access road and foundations for a garage.
Postland Developments Ltd, Chapel Walk, Roman Road, Moulton Chapel, details of storage & disposal of refuse & recycling (Condition 12 of H13-0844-17).