Rush and next week to what the police which are the vans in an Armored Vehicles and screaming at the police for help and forcing them. To rush down to a scene which we have to say that also had not seen we have we had no bizzle there that was too far away and it was too dark however what has transpired there according to witnesses we spoke is that a libertarian. Militia tried. The words. Threatened by protester and shot one protester in the head and as a sport this is where the protester was delivered to the hospital which was the fall away but. It looks like its become serious injury and i also talked to witnesses who says there are more than 5 people who had actually shot but that is not confirmed confirmed as of now 3 people shot again not from police but these are civilians who are shooting each other now. Today it is really a surprise no it wasnt not for us probably not for many people in. Because we have seen throughout the day more and more white people in camouflage with a righ