La bahia. Tambien en la ciudad de san jose. Nuestra meteorologa nos en el pronostico para esta noche y por el comienzo de la semana. Buenas tardes. Las temperaturas han aumentado entre dos y cinco por encima de las mucha atencion. La autopista 680 hacia el sur permanecera cerrada durante lo que queda del fin de semana mientras se realizan labores de repavimentacion. Para mayor informacion, puede ingresar a la pagina web en pantalla. Por otra parte la autopista tambien fue cerrada el fin de semana para realizar trabajos de repavimentacion. Los conductores pueden utilizar la 121 como rutas alternas. En San Francisco la solidaridad de los companeros de trabajo de un panadero mexicano que sufrio un accidente. Esto tras una tragedia que le podria ocurrir a cualquiera de nosotros. Tenemos los detalles de la historia. Es la impotencia que siente la madre de jesus zamudio, el joven de 30 anos al ver que a miles de kilometros de distancia su hijo se debate entre la vida y la muerte tras haber s
Melanie alnwick is liveanie with the scene this morning with the breaking detailces. Melanie, what can you tell us wa about this. Reporter good morning, yeah, so this happened about 11 18 last night. N its still very much an activel scene as they continue thee the investigation. Stigation. Now, what youre looking at is called the indis food market a popular place where people go looking for south aye asian Reporter Police foundolic two suspects inside theects iid building. One ran from the building andom was caught. T the other appear told by somepp of our Police Sources that theet other was located near the t back of the building. Ing. Now, we dont know exactly exacy what went down but one of the Police Officers did shoot onehot time striking the suspect. Suspe the suspect was then taken to medstar hospital. Os dont know enough an update atat this point on the suspectshe condition can. Condition. Nd we dont have any details as he or she needed to shoot inedeo this case. So, theres sti
[ theme music ] stephanie hello current tv land. Hour number 1. Jacki schechner good morning. Stephanie as we know jim ward yesterday missed hot brie in the studio, and wonder woman. I know it was really not a good day for him to choose stephanie one of our listeners suggested that we put hot bries stripper pole in here and you do the news wait. Wait. Stephanie it has been suggested that we send a taxi for you. So you put the pole in there, i do the news here and it all comes together in jims head. [ laughter ] stephanie and now here she is, her hotness, Jacki Schechner. Good morning, everybody. Today is the start of the conclave to pick the next pope. The 115 cardinals attended mass this morning. Now they will head to the sistine chapel. Thats when we Start Playing pope or no pope. The first signs of smoke should come up from the chapel chimney around 3 00 am eastern time. Black smoke means no pope white smoke means the cardinals have chosen the next leader. The vatican will be prepar