Area residents are invited to observe a worldwide ecumenical “Season of Creation” by listening to, learning about, and caring for the trees in their midst.
As summer inexorably gives way to a new fall season of vivid colors and shorter days, several churches in the greater Belfast area are inviting all residents to observe a worldwide ecumenical “Season of Creation” by listening to, learning about, and.
BELFAST The free, all ages Sunflower Circle music series continues on Wednesday, Aug. 30, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., with a “Seaweed & Shanties” session with Belfast's own Bennett Konesni. Find the Sunflower Circle in Belfast City Park, just.
BELFAST Another “Weed, Seed & Sing” takes place Wednesday, August 9, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., at Belfast City Park, just beyond the playground. Mica Rose will be singing love songs to the earth with a variety of instruments. There will also be.