Polish police say they have found another dead person near Poland's border with neighboring Belarus. Over the past six months, at least 19 bodies have been found in the Polish-Belarusian border region, all are presumed to be of migrants who tried to reach the EU.
InfoMigrants contacted Eric*, an African migrant who has been locked up inside the Pabradé migrant camp in Lithuania for several months. He said he is under permanent pressure from the Lithuanian military in the camp, who harass the migrants to "go home".
A group of around 100 migrants, mostly from Iraq, are holding a hunger protest over conditions in the Polish reception center where they are being held. The strike is the second of its kind at the center in Wędrzyn.
A group of NGOs, academics and citizens has called on the Polish government and the EU to stop building the wall along its border with Belarus. They fear that the barrier will destroy the area’s ecosystem and endanger animals.