Two terms as Vice President. In many ways, however, we are a new country tonight. Joe biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris together usher in a new era, search, in a nation roild by health, economic and political crises. Already scaled down because of our uncontrolled pandemic, the inauguration itself became even more tightly controlled because of the violent looting and desecration of our capital two weeks ago. With washington on lockdown, there were no crowds. Just the overwhelming presence of intense security, a lot of it military. Still, there were the familiar signs of the peaceful transfer of power, three of our former president s, clintons, bush h 3 an obama all in attendance. No donald trump. He left town earlier but mike pence and mrs. Pence were there. Repeat after me. And repeat after me. I Kamala Harris do solemnly. I Sam Tuivailala do solemnly swear. That i will faithfully execute. That i will support and defend the constitution. And the office of president of the Uni