we ve seen some ambulances arrive at the hospital that was put in place in their plan that they would be brought to. we do not know if, in fact, the boys are inside those ambulances. we can only sort of loosely connect the dots on that. a witness with a rescue team did tell us that they saw three boiboy boys emerge from that cave, but we cannot confirm in fact that the boys were on those ambulances. we did see them come in and leave that facility. we can t drop that banner, that s from spring news, but on the right of your screen near the helicopter, you can see a lot of activity there. i can t discern or decipher if there is a gurney that s being mo moved at all or if that s any of the boys there, but we are seeing activity here from this helicopter that just landed, this is, of course, to transport the boys to the hospital. i also want to make sure that we