connection because he can t behave appropriately when the timet calls for it. whether it s meeting with gold star families and lying about hi s meets son being killedhis in action, or just claimingso he s everything to everybody. it s what con artists do. eve buryt in america we just calliss them shallow politicians. i graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and used to go to 730 mass every morning in high school and then on collegebefori before i went to the black church and vote in the civil rights movement and desegregating restaurants. that kind of thing. pittsburgh is a city of bridges, more bridges and pittsburgh than any other city pitts in america. i watched that bridge collapse. bridgei got there and saw colla. i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at homera politicallised iy. at least you didn t toss jese a hurricane survivor a roll of paper towels. that was the real scandal. p will cain, co-host of foxs. and friends weekend, has fam