Sahil Khattar s association with Being Indian goes back a long way. According to the actor-host-stand-up comedian, the YouTube channel gave him everything and made him what he is today.Now, as he has become the co-owner of this channel, Sahil .
Sahil Khattar's association with 'Being Indian' goes back a long way. According to the actor-host-stand-up comedian, the YouTube channel gave him everything
the policy was kill the indian and save the man. being indian, being native was evil and atrocious. definitely. i question the political will and clout for biden to be able to do this when he can t even pass this reconciliation bill with dental and vision benefits and with, you know, free community college benefits. i doubt that he will be able to pass 450k per person. but, tiffany, i want to just mention in that same vein that biden, when he spoke at north tulsa, greenwood neighborhood, to commemorate black wall street massacre, he did not bring up reparations once. i think it is important those folks who are talking about reparations, whether it be indigenous communities, whether it be latin-x communities, whomever, to absolutely say, no, we have to mention reparations for the descendents of enslaved africans in that same conversation. we cannot forget our family.