will: the best tradition in television the, the sounds of the national anthem and the images of americans. welcome to fox and friends on this saturday morning on fox square. good morning. rachel: i was at a pro-life event last week and a woman came up to me and said my favorite part of the show is the star-spangled banner, let s had more babies. lawrence: everyone loves americana. has the day off. rachel: we have a lot going on. it is happening. will: i was thinking about the fact you are going to be on the show today, they don t appreciate you are 6 foot to, i don t think they recognize that s not only competitive advantage, it is health risk because you target me and it is like going up against a tights needle at all times. lawrence: you roll last time. will: it is unfair and dangerous. rachel: is how girls feel when transgender guys play. will: that analogy rachel: there is a danger involved but we are happy to have you nonetheless. the president of the united
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