it s tax and spend policies or these criminal policies. we have cassells bail.poli she signed a bill called lessreo is more to release people early from prison who should remain behind bars. they implemented something behipril 1st called the halt act to limit the use of solitary confinement corrections facilities. nt, no but this isn t solitary confinement like what you see in the movies.n the movies, what s h and what s happened over the course of these last few months is that attacksw monters, on corrections officers, on prison staff and other inmates have gone upnmates. they ve they ve skyrocketed. kathy hochul has big solution is well, one .hochul s big sol instead of we call that calling them inmates, we could call them incarcerated individuals. incarproblem solve.sing dru we have people using drugs.ybe e well, maybe we need more legal t injection sites. you want to give out permitse for more cannabis licenses. they re giving frontline access. if you have a prior drug y conviction