The unfortunate incident occurred in the Punjabi Mohalla area under the jurisdiction of the Kaviya police station. The victims were en route from the riverbank, where they had performed the Chhath Puja rituals, to their home when gunfire erupted.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Two members of a family were shot dead and four others were injured in Punjabi Mohalla under the Kabaiya police station of Lakhisarai district on Monday morning. Bihar Firing: Family Returning Home After Chhath Puja Celebration Shot at in Lakhisarai Over Love Affair; Two Dead, Four Injured (Watch Videos).
Two members of a family were shot dead and four others were injured in Punjabi Mohalla under the Kabaiya police station of Lakhisarai district, Bihar, on Monday morning.