The owners have been identified as Yusuf Sheikh and Naeem Sheikh, and the other four are employees Hanif Bhathiyara, Dilawar Pathan, Moin Habdal and Mobin Sheikh., India News - Times Now
Author of the article: Elizabeth Chorney-Booth
Publishing date: Feb 13, 2021 • February 13, 2021 • 4 minute read • The family-run Curry Queens International Curry Kitchen, L-R, Safeer Rashid, Jeff Matthews, Clarisa J, Fariel Rashid, Melissa Viveros, Joel Matthews and Aly Punja in Calgary on Feb. 3, 2021. Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia Photo by Darren Makowichuk /DARREN MAKOWICHUK/Postmedia
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Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, traditionally one of the busiest and most lucrative nights of the year for the restaurant industry. With limited restaurant capacity and most fancier takeout packages requiring a pre-order, it may be tricky to scrounge up a conventionally romantic dinner for two if you’re just realizing the date as you read this article.