CANCELLATION The Roland Curtin Foundation was planning a Family Fun Day on Sunday afternoon, April 30, but because of the rainy weather that is expected for t
Harassment LAMAR A 24-year-old woman, of Porter Township, was arrested for harassment of a 12-year-old male, of Loganton, and a 10-year-old male, of Lock
LOCK HAVEN It’s a relatively light primary election ballot in Clinton County with only two county row offices on the ballot and four seats on the Keystone Central School Board open.
But there are a few contested races with some names from the past showing their faces in municipalities that may bring out a heavier than expected voter turnout, especially in those regions.
The primary election is Tuesday, May 18, and basically is just for registered Republicans and registered Democrats who may vote only on their party’s ballot to move candidates into the November 2 General Election, when the Republicans and Democrats can vote for candidates of any party.