Beebe Healthcare is inviting the community to its Millsboro Health Fair on Wednesday, June 7, from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Millsboro Fire Department, located at 109 East State
Beebe Healthcare will host its annual Rehoboth Community Health Fair on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center.
Beebe, county staff go on the road to provide COVID-19 shots
Beebe Healthcare RN Shanna Zickgraf administers a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to Thomas Harmon of Milton during his May 13 visit to the mobile clinic set up inside the Sussex County Bookmobile. RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS
Ron MacArthur
It s off and on the road.
Sussex County’s Mobile Library – also known as the Bookmobile – has been converted to a COVID-19 mobile vaccination clinic. In just a month, it’s made dozens of stops throughout the county and administered more than 400 Pfizer vaccines.
The idea for a mobile clinic happened during a phone call between Kim Blanch, Beebe Population Health community services manager, and Sussex County Emergency Medical Services Director Robert Murray. “We were talking about people with limited access to vaccines and how we get the show on the road,” Blanch said. “Robbie said he was looking out his window at the dormant Bookmobile, and we could get rolling with a memorandum of un
Operation Cover Up reveals generous hearts
Beebe Healthcare representatives (l-r) Tom Protack, Diane Barlow, Bruce Leshine and Mark Loukides celebrate Operation Cover Up’s generous donation with OCU coordinator Laurel Goldsmith, and members Maureen Gerrity, Marilyn Geiger and Emily Blair. SUBMITTED PHOTO
Diane Barlow January 26, 2021
Last spring, when Laurel Goldsmith began hearing stories on national media outlets that healthcare workers in some parts of the country were short on personal protective equipment, she began to wonder, “What can we as a community do to help our local healthcare system?”
She reached out through the volunteer link on Beebe Healthcare’s website and sent an email about volunteering to help with mask making. Kim Blanch, RN, from Beebe Population Health replied to Goldsmith’s inquiry, letting her know that a mask similar to an N-95 mask was being designed by Pam Smith, RN, of Lewes. The 3-layer mask had a pocket designed to hold filter