Every Seven Years by Jack Fairey at the Jack Studio Theatre | Review
July 23, 2021 Last updated:
July 23, 2021
I don’t watch a lot of television but even I have some familiarity with the
Up documentary film series, following the lives of fourteen people (it’s less than that now, for various reasons) since the first film in the series,
Seven Up! In 1964. This play,
every seven years, doesn’t quite go as far as
63 Up – which would have been a bit much for a show without an interval – but nonetheless provides some interesting snapshots of the lives of Polly (Laura Hannawin) and Marcus (Jack Cameron). It is, admittedly, slightly contrived: what are the chances, in a world where so much is so transient, that a friendship between two people who met as school classmates would carry on for decades.