liars the person lying clearly was the president. what do you think about that? i am deeply offended harry reid is calling me and my family a liar. we have suffered damages. we have had our healthcare insurance ripped away from us as have 5 million other americans. we been lied to and we have been damaged. we have been financially damaged it. he s trying to pass the blame to the coke brothers. i have never even met them. what do you think of this? this is only part of the problem. ed o the other part is you have employers dropping their health insurance plan because it is cheaper to dump them into the obamacare plan. now as you know just a few weeks ago you had the congressional budget office say this law was going to lead to the destruction of 2 to 3 million jobs.
liars the person lying clearly was the president. what do you think about that? i am deeply offended harry reid is calling me and my family a liar. we have suffered damages. we have had our healthcare insurance ripped away from us as have 5 million other americans. we been lied to and we have been damaged. we have been financially damaged it. he s trying to pass the blame to the coke brothers. i have never even met them. what do you think of this? this is only part of the problem. ed o the other part is you have employers dropping their health insurance plan because it is cheaper to dump them into the obamacare plan. now as you know just a few weeks ago you had the congressional budget office say this law was going to lead to the destruction of 2 to 3 million jobs.
scrutiny why it does not be long. i am a mother of two children. i think your parents should be allowed to sue you for 18 years of fooding clothing and shelter. your parents should be able to sue you for the time, energy and affection they lovingly showered on you. your fathmother should be able get the punitive damages from you for the pain and suffering she encountered when she carried and delivered you. tell your request girlfriend s father when i was a da i would arrest any one who gave a child under 21 that s against the law. you want to be emancipated buy your own clothes pay for your own manicures and haircuts, get a job get a drift and now tonight s poll. we asked should she be able to sue her parents? 99 percent of you said no. ed writes nope what is the world
scrutiny why it does not be long. i am a mother of two children. i think your parents should be allowed to sue you for 18 years of fooding clothing and shelter. your parents should be able to sue you for the time, energy and affection they lovingly showered on you. your fathmother should be able get the punitive damages from you for the pain and suffering she encountered when she carried and delivered you. tell your request girlfriend s father when i was a da i would arrest any one who gave a child under 21 that s against the law. you want to be emancipated buy your own clothes pay for your own manicures and haircuts, get a job get a drift and now tonight s poll. we asked should she be able to sue her parents? 99 percent of you said no. ed writes nope what is the world
still alive on that first shot, what is the first thing she is going to do. what are you doing, screaming, it s me, what are you doing? what are you doing. we need to get the evidence out. see where she got shot. even at best after he hears the screams, the first, second, third, fourth shot. maybe the best thing for him is they found those substances. i think that will washing into some sort of defense the roid rage defense doesn t normal low work because people who claim it have a predisposition or are prone to violent outburst. so much things do not add up. first awful, wh of all, why is the bathroom door locked if they are this blissful couple that he claims in the middle -fl th of the night when they are just the two of them. he claims there is an trued tkefrplt he gets to the bed he shall lee reports said the holster was under the bed o