Need another clue? Check out what is nestled between Hola and Bongu .
Scroll down to look at the answer below if you ve given up or want to check whether you ve got it right.
The phone can be seen nestled between Hola and Bongu . The time to beat was 55 seconds - but did you find it any faster?
But if you want more seek-and-find fun this next tricky festive brainteaser challenges you to spot the only grumpy child in a bustling Christmas market
The illustration, created by UK-based Rimmers Music, tasks you with finding the unhappy attendee who is covering his ears with mittens.
The illustration, created by UK-based Rimmers Music, tasks you with finding the unhappy attendee who is covering his ears with mittens. The current record is three minutes - can you solve it quicker?
A new brainteaser, created by UK-based home furnishings retailer Terrys, challenges puzzlers to spot the only nutcracker without a moustache. So, can you beat the current 46 second record?