i m glad i m not dating. we have news from the obamacare front. how much would you have to spend on a website before deciding it didn t work? well n the case of maryland, governor martin o malley is one of the great boosters of obamacare, he spent $125 million. maryland called it quits. $125 billion in. their exchange does not work and they are giving up two days before the deadline. and they are taking connecticut s exchange system. they will use the connecticut exchange system and fork over another $30 million to set up that website, to set up that exchange system, because that one has worked. there are a number of state websites who have not worked at all, particularly the state of oregon that has not worked at all and that are filling out by hand, so no accurate numbers. they only spent $304 million in oregon to enroll a total of zero people on the website. according to maryland s numbers, they fell well short of the $150,000. they are near 49,000, but becky