This holiday season. Thank you for joining me this season. Im jim acosta. I will see you tomorrow starting at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Merry christmas almomost. Santnta is watchching. Haveve a good ninight. [draramatic musisic] over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the Ballllots Ththat are fraraudulent. Anand if werere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. But ifif were rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letets have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] Whwhen Giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th, what c came to my y mind was ththe riot at t city hal. [c[crowd yelliling] [whistlingng] they Marchched Arouound City Hahall Park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed Ththrough The E Barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] peopople called d it at the e ththe riot of f th
bourdain: for korean- americans, according to the stereotype anyway, it used to be that you grew up to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer. there were a specific set of rules and expectations. are youou asking meme to be in a poporno? is thahat what youou re asking? thanknks to some remarkablyly bad korereans, thougugh, things arere beginning to o cha. i wenent to one y year of law schohool and i w walked out. so yoyou re a badad korean. yeah, i i m a bad k korean. > any finalal advice fofor sy who s s actually a about to mama korean womoman? t the answer:r: don t do o i. choi: allll i knew was ththat this totown was goining down, and no onene was showiwing up. and d so we as k koreans figured d that out r really qui. there s s a point whwhere you ai look a at each otherer and say.. bourdrdain: they y re not co. they rere not comining, tony. yoyou know? lilike, it s y you . right. . right. thehe choppes will n not be herere anytime s. [laughshs] yo
[broododing music]c] [high-h-pitched bebeeping] [static c buzzes] [e[electronic c tones whini] [electronic buzzining] [l[low electroronic warblili] [broododing music c continu] [upbeat rock music] both: i took k a walk through ththis beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder fouound somethihing good in thihis b beautiful w world i felelt the rainin gettining colder la,a, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la - sha la, l la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la sha la, l la, la, la,a, la - hi, hohow are yo? - good m morning, mymy frien. how are e you? this minine? - yeyes. [metetallic squeueaking] [c[chains jingngle] - i i start my d day; i i wake up atat 2:00, come to the gagarage arounund 3. geget ready toto go on m my way to t take ththe queensboboro bridge.. [brakes s squeal] [g[generator r rumbles] okayay. showtitime. [mysteterious musisic] - jujust across s the east rr frfrom manhattttan, where i lilive, ju
I saidid, its vevery interese, people donont really y stop atat Stop Lighghts That Mumu and hehe goes, nono, no, no. The ststop light i is justst a suggeststion. Theres nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. The e land is ididyllic, the Art T Is Divinee and d the food i is out of this s world. [tuccici] oh my gogod. It just t melts in y your mou. [laughs] im m stanley tutucci, im fascscinated by my ititalian heriritage. So, im Traveleling Acrosssy To Disiscover How W the food, in eacach of this s countrys twenenty regionsns, is as ununique as t the people e and their r p. The creatitions of famamous tuss arare known ththe world ovo. Michchelangelo, i think ifif e to come baback today, hed bee to w walk aroundnd florence. It hasasnt changeged. But itss the handsds of t the ordinarary people. [chef] we e fold it lilike th. That Hahave Crafteded the e Incrediblele Food here. Itss like a chchristmas in your r mouth, yeaeah. This is s a place bubuilt on human i ingenuity, mindbboggling ririch
- did you go too far on some of t this? - nono, that senense has s always beeeen there. - oh.. - ththe first titime, he was mayayor rudy. now he s k king giuliaiani. - gigiuliani wasas just stararto wear on ththe public o of new y. - the cityty was readydy to m move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. [sofoft acousticic music] [dreamy pipiano music]c] - manhnhattan is l like no place e else in thehe worl. in newew york, whahat you see- first of a all, you sesee a naturaral wondr of buiuildings. you knknow, it s like e the pyramimids. the e buildings s dwarf yo. the buildidings remindnd you of how uninimportant y you ar, bebecause you u re so tinyn. in this s big, increredible cit, whwhen you seeee it, it makeses you wantt to c come and sesee it. it m makes you c curious abob. it makes i it somethining bibigger than n life. i hahave strong g feelings about nenew york, evererything thahat mamakes up newew york. wewe re the crcrossroad