threatening to dredge it up. gingrich reporters say getting information from the house ethics investigation would be at the least unethical. pelosi says she s only talking about information already on the record. they asked the candidate about it yesterday. we turned over a million pages of material. we had a huge report. the total 83 charges were repudiated as false. the one mistake we made was a letter written by a lawyer that i didn t read carefully. mr. gingrich isn t telling the whole story about the house investigation back then. it s complicated but they wanted to know if he used money from tax exempt organizations to fund college courses that he taught and used, by his own admission, to further his political agenda. shortly after the rival filed the complaint, gingrich hired a washington lawyer who wrote two material letters to the ethics committee. gingrich signed the first letter and approved the second. both contained statements that were false. gingrich was te