Realme has launched the Realme C53 smartphone in India, starting at ₹9,999. It features a 6.74-inch display, 108MP primary camera, and a 5,000mAh battery. The phone will be available for purchase starting July 26.
Read the in depth Review of Samsung Galaxy M34 5G Mobile Phones. Know detailed info about Samsung Galaxy M34 5G configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback.
Philippines Technology News Blog Website, Sharing Specs and Beyond to Help Build a Tech-Informed, Tech-Empowered Nation, Crafted from the Social Networking Capital of the World
There’s no denying that the iPhone’s camera is one of the best on the market. But what about Snapchat? Can it compete with the iPhone’s camera? Well, it turns out that Snapchat may actually be better than the iPhone’s camera in some ways. For one, Snapchat’s filters can make your photos look more fun and […]