Rachel well, Its the 9 a. M. Hour of fox FrIends Weekend startIng wIth thIs whos the boss . PresIdent bIden holds hIs fIrst CabInet MeetIng In nearly a year, but fIrst lady JIll BIden Is takIng the reIns. SometImes the WhIte House surprIses you. When joe became presIdent , I knew I wanted to keep shInIng a lIght on the Issues that Id worked on for so many years. WIll plus, crItIcs call out HarrIs AuthentIcIty as she claIms she grew up In a WorkIng Class neIghborhood. LIve In the hIlls or the9 flatlands. We lIved In the flats. If a beautIful a beautIful WorkIng Class naked. WIll the neIghborhood she actually grew up In pete In canada. [laughter] rachel French Canada on top of It. Pete and Its College Football saturday Is. Our own adam Is lIve In columbus wIth some form of a weapon wIth. [laughter] a modIfIed mortar tube. The fInal hour of fox FrIends Weekend wIth a TshIrt Cannon If starts rIght now. Sweet carolIne, Good TImes never seemed so good wIll good mornIng, by the way, welcome t