In the realm of relationships, the bond between a father and daughter often stands out, teeming with tenderness, warmth, and immense love. It is an irrevocable connection that transcends time and strengthens with each passing day. Within this bond, it is not uncommon to witness the daughter having a stronger attachment towards her father, showering him with unending affection, and
decaying microbial life underneath the surface. bill: if they were able to prove that to you, and this is your business, how would you change life. it would change everything. dna perhaps could get off on different environments. perhaps there was cross vert ta liization on mars and earth. some think life started first on mars, if you want to see a martian look in the mirror. bill: it s one strike and your out as one scientist explained it. the track record recently is pretty darn good. can nasa do this. about one-third of our space probes make it to mars. two-thirds get lost in space. bill: two-thirds? that s the mars jinx. mars probe realize we don t send them every year, we only send them everywo year, every
volatile, unstable nation, and we can t allow those nuclear weapons to get into the hands of unstable people who would do harm to cities here in the united states. bill: now, that was one issue you took up with rick perry. another issue with newt gingrich was immigration, you accused him of embracing a policy of amnesty, when the former speaker made a point of saying that was not his idea. now, why did you go after him on that reaction? well, it s not just me saying it. there s an immigration organization that has given speaker gingrich a d minus of a grade on immigration, because the speaker has said in previous statements that he would make legal 11 million illegal alien workers in the united states today. to make them legal is in effect a form of amnesty and he has also said he embraces the dream act at the federal level, that s the federal government providing taxpayer-subsidized college tuition for children of illegal aliens.
that means a state like virginia where they re focused on jobs in pennsylvania, and i think governor romney has made it clear that making us number one in the economy and having a strong economy is his number one priority, and he s been focused on that, you know, extensively. last night you also saw him, you know, talking about the importance of the military and our strength on foreign policy. so a strong economy, strong national security is something we have to have if we re going to be the top superpower, you know, in the 21st century bill: when you consider specifically in pennsylvania, you have 50% of the registered voters are democrats yeah. bill: only 37 are republicans, what does that say about what s happening around the suburbs of philadelphia or the suburbs of pittsburgh in the west? i think that shows you the people are very concerned about the economy, and i think the governor s message on being focused on the economy is going to resonate with those people because