predicted many red states would also begin to craft their own anti-abortion bills. this bill, in particular, is called hb-5 and it did pass the house here in the state of florida last week. as you said t is heading to the gop-led senate, where it is expected to pass before being signed into law by governor desantis. breaking it down, this bill would ban abortion any time after 15 weeks, unless there is a serious risk to the mother or in the case of a fatal fetal abnormality. it would also criminalize medical professionals who perform abortions. there are zero exceptions in the case of rape or incest. now, here at this beautiful park in st. petersburg, florida, we were out here today talking to some people who are enjoying the weather. we asked them how they felt about this. as you might imagine, some of them were uncomfortable with the subject matter, but take a listen to what they had to say. it s a tricky situation. if you find out at that time