beautiful hawaii, nothing but long beaches and smiling faces. not back in the year 2018, back then technology was primitive to say the least. one unlucky guy clicked the wrong button and panic. the emergency management panic set an alarm about ballistic missile coming in and everyone hightailed it for cover. as for the employee, he s been reassigned at least they didn t go out the bank. [laughter] greg: so, why has the story fallen so quickly under the radar track for one thing, you can t blame trump for it although some have tried with every fiber in their yogurt fed teen discant i talk to it it is not a story. what if parents pay their children down manholes in place for absolving flocks of people of their sins and families were tearfully saying goodbye to each other? the president said a naughty word and that is all that
beautiful hawaii, nothing but long beaches and smiling faces. not back in the year 2018, back then technology was primitive to say the least. one unlucky guy clicked the wrong button and panic. the emergency management panic set an alarm about ballistic missile coming in and everyone hightailed it for cover. as for the employee, he s been reassigned at least they didn t go out the bank. [laughter] greg: so, why has the story fallen so quickly under the radar track for one thing, you can t blame trump for it although some have tried with every fiber in their yogurt fed teen discant i talk to it it is not a story. what if parents pay their children down manholes in place for absolving flocks of people of their sins and families were tearfully saying goodbye to each other? the president said a naughty
beautiful hawaii, nothing but long beaches and smiling faces. not back in the year 2018, back then technology was primitive to say the least. one unlucky guy clicked the wrong button and panic. the emergency management panic set an alarm about ballistic missile coming in and everyone hightailed it for cover. as for the employee, he s been reassigned at least they didn t go out the bank. [laughter] greg: so, why has the story fallen so quickly under the radar track for one thing, you can t blame trump for it although some have tried with every fiber in their yogurt fed teen discant i talk to it it is not a story. what if parents pay their children down manholes in place for absolving flocks of people of their sins and families were tearfully saying goodbye to each other? the president said a naughty
from beautiful hawaii. thank you so much. donald trump s proposed trillion dollar infrastructure plan has congress taking sides. not exactly the side you might expect. republican lawmakers are in sticker shock while top democrats like incoming minority leader chuck schumer are onboard. steve moore, always nice to see you. mer ri christmas eve. merry christmas. i want to go to hawaii, i want kevin s job. i think you have to get in a long line, my friend. we ll look at getting you snow in chicago. we don t have the white stuff yet. we re waiting for it tonight. we ll be working on that. maybe santa will bring it. on to economics here. as we look at mr. trump s economic plan, specifically the infrastructure plan, you ve been on this program a lot. many times you really argued against these kinds of massive federal government spending programs. why is this different?
but officials point out harper rejected the package of revenue enhancement of spending cuts which would have avoided the sequester cuts which itself took a big chunk out of the funding for medical research. harper says higher taxes was not the answer to the problem. wendell goler, in beautiful hawaii. and obamacare creating new heat among critics and supporters. the wall street journal says they may establish a federal bureaucracy dedicated to the big tech projects. now, in order to avoid the disastrous results of, here is the question, do we need more government? hey, jamie, how are you? good, how are you? i m well, to look at first blush, it sounds counterintuitive. tell us about this new plan.