no. but there s a lot of money just to indicate that there s a ton of money involved in this as it relates to reid, developers and that 44 million acres that the federal government let me cut to the chase. harry reid would like to see bundy and his cattle kicked off these acres that he s been ranching for all these years because mr. reid would like to offer it up to some developers that donate to his campaign coffers? the reality there s a rising star republican in navy, the governor of that state who beat reid s son for the governorship in 2010. harry reid wants it to be very clear see the undisputed king politically of nevada and it does not go to that argument if ranchers and people on horseback are able to turn the back bureau ever land management troops that are under the command of harry reid s chosen designee and that agency.
harry reid still far under 50% and we ve talked about his strategy which is to push up that none of the above vote. so he thinks he could win with only 43%. sharron angle still very much in the hunt. on thursday, a debate between these guys is going to be big. there s always the chance that sharron angle is going do say something unhelpful, to say the least. so both sides just trying to avoid disaster with that debate. mike, your friend and ours, mark halperin sent us an e-mail saying he was impressed by the number she s put up financially saying the right is truly energized against reid. he said given the drift of polls and the fund-raising he at this point makes her a slight favorite to beat reid. what do you make of that? at this moment, people will tell you that. the republicans are a little worried about what s going to happen in the debate. but when she was got the nominee, people said, okay, leader reid is safe. maybe he s the favorite now.
doing that is they have nothing else to say. bill: if you were a delaware voter and you were faced with two candidates. one ideologically far left, one ideologically far right, you would vote for the conservative, o donnell, right? just because you don t want the higher spending big government, right? right. bill: okay. so, you and other conservative people, republican people, would vote for o donnell. by then is she running 15 points behind the democrat coons who is so far left, you know, you can t even catch him? why is she running so far behind him? well, she spent all of her money in the primaries. she doesn t have a lot to defend herself in the opening week. same thing happened to sharron angle in nevada. she fell behind harry reid and now she has caught up. i think she is going to beat reid. bear in mind when you look at