her handlers keep her under the political version of lock and key. buttigieg has yet to visit an actual port. his solution is to pass the president s build back better bill. michael bloomberg got more del gates than mayor delegates during the primary. go giants. todd: when you put people that don t work together problem don t go away. giants won, jets won, bears won, good weekend. carley: still ahead, wall street suffering a massive black friday selloff as investors panic over the omicron variant. cheryl casone is breaking down what we can expect to see today. cheryl.
end to a rare win by the washington redskins after an interception by washington only their second victory of the season. starting quarterback haskins was celebrating with fans. he was taking a selfie, missed the final play. said he thought the game was over. washington quarterback joe theismann how do you miss the last snap of the game because you re taking a selfie? that s wrong. i think that s a little heavy handed. good job for the redskins. bears won. bengals lost. they re 2-11. they are on track, sandra, the draft the quarterback at your alma mater lsu. oh, correct, 0-11. they have a chance to draft the quarterback. sandra: we re watching that and another twist to a long-running drama.