Athol and Orange daytime paving operations on Route 2 westboundATHOL/ORANGE The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will be conducting daytime paving operations on Route 2 westbound in Athol and Orange. This work will take place on.
Athol Bird and Nature Club field trips and meetingsATHOL Below are upcoming events hosted by the Bird and Nature Club.Monday, May 1, 1–3 p.m.; Gate 29, Rt. 202 and Elm St., New Salem Bioblitz at Quabbin Watershed, New Salem. Join Charley Eiseman and.
Historical society to host program on Patty DayPETERSHAM The local Quabbin Region has had many noted artists, poets and writers. One of the most notable was Patty Day (1885-1983) a part-time resident of Petersham who was nationally known for her.
WINCHENDON A little magic goes a long way at the Winchendon library. Here’s what’s happening on the final Outdoor Movie Magic night of the month:On Thursday, Aug. 25, the library will be screening “Matilda,” starring Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito, and.