president, he s sort of throwing things at the wall so to speak and trying to see what sticks. this afternoon he put up a new tweet saying this isn t about the wall. everyone knows that a wall will work perfectly. he says this is only about the democrats not letting president trump and the republicans have a win. they may have the ten senate votes, but we have the issue, border security, 2020. what do you make that have? i mean, it sounds as though he says it s not about the wall when really it is about the wall. what wall are we even talking about at this point, jim? are we talking about the game of thrones season one 2013 that he issued last week? are we talking about a continuation of the existing 700 miles or so of fence and funding for that, or are we talking about the bead curtain that speaker pelosi referenced just yesterday? it s unclear what version of the wall the president is going for, and it s worth noting, jim, this is not just about democrats. there are members of th