are starting to heat up. i mean, literally heat up. cnn meteorologist reynolds wolf at orange beach, alabama, found out official haves a tough, new task to deal with. reporter: sun, surf, a hot sunny day. another beautiful day at the beach unss, of course, you re one of these guys. well on this part of alabama coast, pretty busy this morning. a lot of bags, filled up with sand and oil and then stacked in big piles like this. tall task. but then when you bring in the high heat an humidity, it makes a difficult job even tougher. we have 50% humidity. 107 degrees air temperature. 141 degrees is the heat index. reporter: the thousands of men and women charged with cleaning the nearby coastline are fighting another battle. keeping cool while still being productive. the workers are, you know, wearing long pants, hard soled shoes. the heat does affect them much more differently than the beach