A little leery of that figure these figures are almost guesstimates that have to be revised two times and i would not be surprised if retail is revised upward in a significant way if retail goes up twenty five thousand and set it down twenty thousand then my estimate was was right on the money yeah i was surprised by the retail number two that it wasnt higher going into the Holiday Season but you know weve talked with some retail experts in the past and they say people are moving more and more to online purchasing so it might be lower than us and i thought back to the construction though are some of those Energy Sector jobs that were created in construction really due to those unfortunate hurricanes that we had this year. Oh yes weve weve had a naturally increase in construction jobs and then as we get into this boom of course theres even more construction jobs and then the hurricanes just come right on top of that in texas and south florida and and puerto rico where theyve added a gre
The consensus and two hundred and its less than the two hundred thirty nine thousand jobs created in november lets get into the dates with dr Mark Thornton a senior fellow at the me season just to dr thornton thanks again for joining us it seems like a pretty good report but not a toadie the tiger great report whats your take on some of the highlights in terms of specific sector specifics. Well i was thinking that it was going to be a tony the tiger type report of two hundred thousand or more new jobs added and as you said the consensus amongst economist was for one hundred ninety thousand. And on the downside the Retail Sector surprisingly lost twenty thousand jobs in december im a little leery of that figure and these figures are almost guesstimates that have to be revised two times and i would not be surprised if retail is revised upward in a significant way if retail goes up twenty five thousand and set it down twenty thousand then my estimate was was right on the money i was surpr