19th century millions of irish and germans boarded steamships to the us to escape starvation in their home countries. Than in the 20th century the 2nd world war forced 16000000 people in europe alone from their homes. Since 2011 millions of people have fled the ongoing conflict in syria. And sometimes like in africa today all the causes of flight come together at the same time take mali for example since 2012 violence has overshadowed the west african country islamists regularly attack mali and Government Forces and Un Peacekeeping troops over the past few years 250000 mali ends have fled to neighboring countries now some of them are returning home. In. The common 10 buck 2 is deceptive and its mainly down to the massive president s appeal when peacekeepers rebels and youre hottest still operating in northern mali at the edge of the Sahara Desert terror and violence have left their mark on the city. There are too few hospitals and many children are no longer attending school. Maryam fa