was false? why dihed they do this?as was there another reason? was there a kind of quids pro quo that twitter was not going to be broken up by a section two thirty if biden got in the white house and they were just kind of turned a blind eye? these are question230, thesehato need answers immediately and then there needs to be some form of justice to this, because everything that americans will teach their children about fair playa and following the rules was obliterated by the alleged public square, whichr was twitter during the fall of l 2020. and unfortunatofe laura ,w vote they got their way. rs would we know how voters would havevo voted if this story would havetf allowed to have moralitywe and let this be this.d right. b there wae s stoppage of the transmission of what couldof have been the end of the biden campaign. c and just tragically,enso the censors and the bad guys were able to squeak through. who dat? who doesn t think that this had a significant effect, molly,ha on the