i don t agree. this this after a group of asian-american students filed complaint against harvard and the university of north carolinaa hill, alleging that ta they failed to employ racet neutral admissions practices. now the majority opinion delivered, chief justice john roberts said that any studenn t, quote, must be treat based on his or her experiencebs . an individual not on the basis of race, highlighting the importance of this case in a rare move. noarw justices clarence thomas d and sonia sotomayor also and actually read their opinions from the bench now, with justice thomas declaring, quote, at alnow l forms discrimination based on race, including so-called action, areo prohibited under the u.s. co. titutionhi now, a harvard did, in fact, release a statement following the decision acknowledging that the court ruled their admissions policies did not comply with the 14th amendment, the equal protection clause in the constitution and the civil rights act. but harvar la
unless you fire that prosecutor. okayle. e th you have 6 hours to do it. son of a . they fire him. to quote f t joe that says, quo, and then guess what? hunter continues to be paid for work that he admitted good morning america. he had no qualifications forn the amazing part of it is what we are seeing in action is ae si president of the unitengd states wrapped up in the american flag dictating that a prosecuton the amr be fi. the prosecutor is investigating hunter s businese prs. and ironically, now with this 1023, which is unclassified, which christopher wray, the head of the fbi, didn t even want to give us, an fb document makes itave runnr that they ve got tapes where the guy who is running say the company is saying, i m giving you 5 million, i m giving your father five or i m giving the two of you $5 gillion each, and i m keepin a tape recording at this because i want to make sure i get my money s worth. why we want those tapes. why is christopher wray ill the head of the f