The Directorate of Medical Education Tamil Nadu (DME Tamil Nadu) has published on its official website the Rank List, also called as Merit List, of the students who have registered for TN MBBS / BDS Counselling for NEET 2023 (NEET UG 2023) based admission in different Medical Courses for the academic year 2023-24.
Directorate of Medical Education Tamil Nadu (DME Tamil Nadu) is set to publish soon on its official website the Rank List, also called as Merit List, of the students who have registered for TN MBBS / BDS Counselling for NEET 2022 (NEET UG) based admission in different Medical Courses for the academic year 2022-23.
The Directorate of Medical Education Tamil Nadu (DME Tamil Nadu) has published on its official website Rank List of students who have registered for TN MBBS / BDS Counselling for NEET 2021 based admission in different Medical Courses for the academic year 2021-22.